World Sailing is all set to take the sport to mass audience in the year 2016 with an advanced and forward approach that was offered today at London Boat Show at ExCel in Great Britain. World Sailing Vice President Gary Jobson, World Sailing Series Editor Matt Sheahan and World Sailing Chief Marketing Officer Malcolm Page were all present at the show to reveal the recent announcements given by the governing body.

In addition to that, Gary Jobson, the World Sailing Vice President, read out a report from the Executive Committee meeting that took place on 8th January regarding Youth Sailing World Championships.
In an Olympic year, the World Sailing has relaunched its website (i.e. PlainSailing) with a nice looking presentation, something that is quite easy to navigate. The worldwide info resource would be the go-to address for media as well as sailing fans alike with World Sailing TV and social media at the forefront of their presentation.
Chief Marketing Officer Malcolm Page stated that in order to take the game forward next year, a pivotal year for game with the Rio Olympics knocking on the door, a new approach and fresh ideas was needed for the governing body’s website. Social media is the key to communicate directly with the audience across multiple platforms.
The newly designed site would be able to keep their worldwide audience continuously up to date in this evolving sport.